We had a blast at camp! We sewed, we ate, we gambled ( well some of us ) and fun was had by all 41 of us.
This is a pic of .. yes me, there ya go now you know the face behind the typing. I am holding my table runner without the borders on yet. After I got it together my border was too light and got lost. I will be putting the border on and showing it finished later. I chose to do the star you could also do a tumbling block. Some of the girls thought the block was easier.

Remember my last post when I was sewing all those strips? Well we took those strips and you weave them in a special form to create these stars.. it was well.. to some not much fun.. we all managed to get through it though. Here is a pic up close you see the star formation from the weaving.

This is Ms. Susie. Susie hosted our camp and had helpers. She had lots of fun, games and prizes. I took her picture with the samples she and some others made to show us how the finished project would look. Susie is just as sweet as can be.
I have been trying to get everything organized. I am working on several projects and need to stay on track... do any of you have tips on how you do that? I have my cupcake swap, my applique sampler for my freinds website and ALL my WIP's ... plus, now I will be helping with next years camp. I was very happy that they wanted me to be a helper. this picture to the left is a quilt that one of the girls brought to work on after she finished her runner... isn't it just too cute. I love the 30's fabrics. I did some fast block with a charm pack.. I am sure you have seen it before. Take your charms and make a nine patch, cut down the middle and across the middle and you have 4 new blocks to arrange how you like. When I get the borders on I will post a pic. I have talked your ear off enough for one night. I will be back! Until then...
Keep Smiling!
Kimbo :)